Sorry I have digressed. Back to the ginger. I was walking through the supermarket the other day talking to myself, saying I have to come up with something soon that is worthy. Then I saw the most beautiful looking hands of young ginger. I picked one up and here we are. This is the first recipe and there will be a couple more ginger recipes to proceed it. One involves macadamia nuts, dates and of course the glace ginger, but you will have to wait for the next post.
I thought I would try my hand at making glace ginger and I am glad I did. It is actually very easy and personally tastes so much fresher and spicier than the jar variety. I didn't use a recipe, I just kind of winged it myself. The end result is wonderful. Not to thick, not to thin, very spicy, sweet and fresh.
- 1 Hand of ginger, peeled and julienned (aka thin strips)
- 1 cup of water
- 1 cup of sugar
- 2 tablespoons of glucose syrup or corn syrup
On a low heat in a heavy based saucepan place the water and sugar. When the sugar has dissolved completely add the ginger. Allow to simmer gently until the ginger goes translucent and the liquid has reduced by half. This took me about 45 Min's. Then I added the glucose syrup, simmered for another 15 Min's and your done. Allow to cool slightly and store in a sterilized jar. It makes about 1 and 1/2 cups.
It is really lovely to make yourself, so much fresher. I think it will make a real difference flavour wise to the pudding I am making next. Go on give it a try :)