After 3 months of traumatising events with my computer, I am online again. Let us just say never, ever, ever, let your children use those free game sites on the net. I am telling you what a nightmare. Even though I have anti virus software, nothing can prepare you for the devastation that a virus can do to your computer. Also nothing can prepare you for the time it takes for someone to diagnose your computer and fix the problem. Every time I called the reputable computer repair guys it was, sorry I have not had time to look at it yet. We finally just went over and picked it up and went to someone else. HP specialist the first mob were supposed to be. Now taking your computer to a repair person is a scary experience.
- You are afraid of how much it is going to cost
- You are afraid whether or not they will be able to fix your computer
- How long is it going to take
- Are they going to be able to save all the beloved info and pics on your computer
- Is it going to cost me hundreds of dollars and still am I going to have to buy a new computer anyway
Lets just say I am one of the lucky ones. Yes, I am now all for backing up my work and saving all our photos onto a disc. Thank goodness Chopper pretty much saved all of our photos onto discs. When my computer first died, Yes, I cried like a baby. Blubbered out of control. Besides losing allot of time on my blog, that was about it. I thank my lucky stars. So let this be a lesson to you all. Be afraid, be very afraid of the dreaded