Wednesday, 17 October 2007

And they lived happily ever after.................

Well everyone, at 5.00pm on the 15Th of December this gorgeous man is going to become my husband. Yes, the mad bugger actually would like to call me his wife. I am a very lucky girl, because I get to marry my best friend. We have gone through the ups and downs, all the travesties and tragedies that you could imagine. Being a blended family has thrown us definite curve balls, we have caught them and thrown them right back. At the same time we have taken life by the balls and enjoyed it immensely. With five children at our feet we have enjoyed laughter, tears, anger, frustration, happiness and every other emotion you could imagine. We are not the perfect family but I wouldn't want us to be. Life is meant to be a roller coaster of emotions, so you know how to live in it and how to appreciate the good times. There has definitely been more good times than bad. So on the 15Th of December our blended family makes the biggest commitment of all. When I asked my two step children to be, if it was alright to marry their father, A said 'of course you do' and JD said 'it was definitely more than alright'. My two you don't even have to ask, you just know its OK. They love Chopper very much.

I love Chopper with all my heart and I finally feel that I have someone who shares the same goals and dreams as myself. We both have an obsession with food, we both want to travel overseas, we both have a family orientated focus, we both know from previous relationships how important it is to protect and nurture our relationship, we listen to each other, we are best friends. We are each others confidence and support.

I am marrying the most wonderful man in the world. I would like to thank you baby for giving me what I could never have dreamed of.............a home in your heart and an unconditional love that I thought only movies were made of.


Vida said...

You made me cry.... Vida x

CONGRATULATIONS, it seems dreams really do come true!!!! x x x

Anonymous said...

I have tears streaming down my face,you guys are so meant for each other & you deserve all the happiness in the world..I love you both very much & i feel so lucky to have you in my life1
Love ya lots,
Julie xxx

Anonymous said...


Wow! Congrats! That is the greatest news.... But I have to say I saw it coming. It was in your faces -- in those great big smiles on the two of you in all those photos. I am so happy for you and wish you the best in life. Here’s to a wonderful life together with all it’s up and downs. You’ll have each other to endure both! ;-)

Cheers, mates!



Chopper said...

Yes baby, we are finally tying the knot. I love you with all my heart. You are my best friend and my soul mate and I can't wait to call you my wife. You are the most beautiful girl in the world, and I am a very lucky man. The question is - can you put up with me? You are gorgeous and I love you! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

neil said...

Awww, you guys, that's so great news! Congratulations, I can only begin to imagine the kind of food you'll have for the reception, betting there will be a trawler full of seafood.

theotherbear said...

Awesome news - congratulations Amelita!

Anonymous said...

Best Wishes and Congrats to you both. Hope you find what you both are looking for!

Anonymous said...

From one of your newest friends that knows she'll love you (and chopper) forever I want you to know how happy I am, I cried too when I read your news on the blog. I've seen you two together, you are perfect for one another... have a happy, wonderful lifelong marriage. Can't wait to see you guys tie the knot!!!

Love mockchoc xox

Anonymous said...

Oh, and guess who won't mind at all helping to cook for your wedding.. me! :) If you'd like that of course

mockchoc x

Squishy said...

Thank you so much everyone. It is so lovely to have so much support. Of course I can put up with you Chopper......but I thinkyou already knew that ;)I can pretty much bet on a trawler of seafood Neil as well. Mrs Mockchoc I am definately going to need you when it comes to making the food. You will have wished you had never offered.......Ha Ha For those of you who don't know Mockchoc is my fabulous townsville food buddy friend. Wow can she cook.....:)

David Hall said...

Well done Chopper and Amelita - you sound like the perfect match. Keep having a happy life, you deserve it.

David x

Anonymous said...

awesome news!! congrats on the forthcoming wedding and on securing services of the culinary queen herself. We expect pics and rundowns as the day nears

Anonymous said...

Big belated congratulations! Planning the menu yet?

purple goddess said...

congrats, guys, evah so belatedly!!!

Furry and I are a blended fam of 5.

Curve balls indeed!!!

love your blog!!!